Shaolin Kung Fu - Yi Long Vs Josh Pickthall - Muay Thai Fighter

 shaolin kung Fu - yi long vs josh pickthall - muay thai fighter
Josh Pickthall - Muay Thai Fighter
Shaolin Kung Fu - Yi Long Vs Josh Pickthall - Muay Thai Fighter
Josh Pickthall and Best Muay Thai
(Josh Pickthall) I honestly started competing because I was looking for some sort of verification or confirmation that what I was practicing in the gym and during sparring would translate or be applied in a real life situation. I remember when I was young getting into petty school/street fights and not really remembering the fight and that always made me very uneasy. I wanted to be in control while in danger. I am impartial to who or where I fight. I’ve always been easy going when it came to opponents or venues. I just like to fight. I trust my trainer and she will tell me who, what, when, and where. Thai Boxing also keeps me healthy. For more info about Josh Pickthall: Click here

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